Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something

Even politicians have discovered the “power” of films, because you can be certain that their persuading capacity is increasing. If “politics”, which is historically rigid, finds a life line in film scenes, then in all probability, what we are doing is extremely effective.

The things that you own end up owning you

7 boxes of objects, approximately 100 books which I would never have read, 20 suits and the same in shirts. This is only a part of the “things” which I eliminated from my life this summer. Some things I gave away, others I threw away or sold.

Face-to-Face, with 3 life-changing steps

There are many film–metaphors. I use this term because it expresses the concept while a theme unravels. Usually there is one heart to a matter, and around it all other details come together and dissolve. This kind of film is powerful to our learning. This is because they develop “a main theme” of life, showing it critically, but also resolutely.

You had it all the time!

I recently read a book which I thought was a book “really worth reading”. It is a great book to read for its contents and for the metaphoric form with which it is narrated. “I had it all the time – when self-improvement gives way to ecstasy” is a book that you will never forget.