If we had that gun pointed at us, we could do unthinkable things. Our potential is infinite, but we take ourselves for a ride and only use it in times of difficulty.
Good is enemy of the best. The best is enemy of excellence. In short, we satisfy ourselves and then we complain because we like to be victims. We criticize those who do something different, those who risk or anyone who thinks the solution to everything is within us.
More and more often I read about people who have given up completely; the root of every problem is the “government”, “the others”, “bosses”, “employees” or the “young people who do not want to work” and are quick to argue and criticize anyone who has a purposeful spirit.
They may go for days without anything changing, despite having all the talent, the power and the strength to do something. Instead they point a finger at those who leave the flock and they feel threatened by diversity. They often use the word “insanity” but (in the words of Morgan Freeman):
“Insanity is wasting your life as a nothing when you have the blood of a killer flowing in your veins”.
(replace “killer” with “artist”)
“Insanity is being shit on, beat down, coasting through life in a miserable existence when you have a caged lion locked inside and a key to release it”.
I also want to say something “insane”. Whoever is in difficulty at the moment should be counting their lucky stars. It is the “gun pointed at our head” that brings out the best of ourselves, that releases the lion in us and triggers potential. A few days ago I found myself in an awkward mess. I kept telling myself that I had to take my morning walk, and that I should buy a special tracksuit for the uphill run.
All of a sudden I stopped thinking and I started acting. I started doing physical activity again.
Just like that! We do not need anything to get started.
You do not need to read that book. Start acting immediately.
You do not need that new equipment. Continue using what you have.
You do not need that preparation. For beginners, the universe has lots of miracles on hand.
I will always remember this scene from “Wanted” as a stimulus to releasing potential to “shoot the wings off flies” even though I do not know exactly what it means. But my subconscious does not need to know, it needs to hear it. Be guided by your emotions, they know what they want …
If you agree, please share.
“… and in case I don’t see ya…
good afternoon, good evening and good night!”…
(The Truman Show)