Perhaps that’s why a “dream” is invaluable, because it cannot be “sold” and cannot be “bought”; it just belongs to those who have it!

This scene from the film “Drift” seemed ideal to describe a “condition” of life that I hope you soon reach.

Doing things for the sake of doing them.

Living without the need to compete with anyone but yourself.

Understanding that everything or almost everything is possible, and that the last of the guardians is you. It is you who will open the gate to freedom. As J.B. says, “Who cares” if anyone judges you or criticizes you; it’s their problem.

In the movie “Dallas Buyers Club“, Matthew McConaughey says, Sometimes I just feel like I’m fighting for a life I just ain’t got time to live; I wondered how much his point of view was shared by others. We often fight for a dream, but are we sure that we will not be able to live that dream instantly? Right now?

Perhaps it is to grab a board and ride the wave, or go on a trip, or turn our hobby into a real job.

Either we are giving yourselves the permission to do so, or we are afraid of making mistakes and being judged. And who cares? Recently this sentence appeared on Facebook:

Slow Down! It’s not a race, it’s your life!.
It doesn’t matter who is more “ahead” or “behind”, everyone is exactly where they should be.
We are all teachers and all students at the same time…

If you live your dreams and inspire others to do the same, you are giving something valuable to humanity. People who have dreams are richer because they have something that can’t be “sold” and can’t be “bought”.

If you agree, then please share.


“… and in case I don’t see ya

good afternoon, good evening and good night!”…

(The Truman Show)


Buy the film

Buy the recommended book

"Drift" A film by Ben Nott, Morgan O'Neill with Sam Worthington, Xavier Samuel, Myles Pollard. Australia, 2013

"Dare to Be Yourself: How to Quit Being an Extra in Other Peoples Movies and Become the Star of Your Own" by Alan Cohen

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