Probably there’s no boundary, but you cannot change the world if you aren’t a bit crazy. Maybe you haven’t such ambition, but your idea of success has to do with an ordinary life: health, a job you love, some free time with your family. Believe me, this would be a great success.
An ordinary challenge that requires sacrifice, despite everything. It depends on what your starting point is and what your limits are.
But if the success you imagine is something like “making the world you live in better”, or accomplishing a great challenge that will go down in history, I believe you must have a little bit of insanity. It’s not about what you’re looking for, it’s an expression of yourself.
Let’s take the film “Ingenious”, for example: creativity is one of Matt’s expressions and his limits aren’t clear. He asks himself if it’s worth to keep on “digging” (Edison said a lot of people don’t realize how close they are to success when they give up) or not (A cowboy philosopher once told me: “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”).
How can you unblock the impasse between two opposing ideas?
As the clip suggests: “All it takes is a little faith”
“It’s like when the Wizard gave the scarecrow a diploma: he completely changed the scarecrow’s idea of himself and he was able to do the things he never thought he could do”.
The thruth is that nobody knows what will happen in the future, an event, a person, a meeting that will change our life completely. If we accept the idea that this could happen at any moment, then we have to accept the idea that the opportunity exists somewhere and we just have to raise our expectations to intercept it.
“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
Our limits are a perception and there’s a world of possibilities we still cannot feel.
When you accempt the idea to have limits, you get free form this complex, as if all your abonadoned resources wake up all of the sudden. It’s like the birds born in a cage suddenly realize they wasted years just scratching about, and, accepting the past without any embarassment, get busy learning to fly.
Ingenious is taken from a real story. Matt is really crazy. Let’s face it, who would have tought to sell a talking bottle opener?
But that will be the fourth most sold product in the world. Matt’s determination in pursuing his goal did the rest, but that little bit of insanity, that expression of himself, that making things without any certainty made his venture successful.
Excellence is a human aspiration. A space between our limits and the impossible.
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