How do you get out of anxiety and frustration? Only your thoughts can do it. They are the ones that govern the state of things, our emotions and our re-actions.
Can we control our emotions? Maybe it’s difficult, but you can control your thoughts. In the words of Margaret Thatcher in the film, ideas and concepts are interesting things!
Probably years of study and work on ourselves have allowed us to perceive our “feelings”, and recognizing them is crucial to understanding where we’re going emotionally. But if all this experience does not exist, what do we do?
Images, memories and internal dialogues together trigger off achemical in the body that sets mechanisms in motion, that at times, cannot be turned back. This is impulsiveness: re-action rather than pro-action.
More and more often, I meet people who have understood the trap and thanks to meditation, reflective writing, and a profound work of self-discovery, they have built greater distances between the stimulus and response.
If you are at the beginning, then it is critical to understand that the first stimulus, the source of all action is thought. From the Gospel according to John: “The Word became flesh,” or rather “The Thought became flesh”; what you think, imagine and repeat in your mind manifests itself in reality after some time.
So, how do we use this power without making special efforts? Here are some very simple tips:
With this simple exercise you will find yourself in a lighter and more positive “state”, and thanks to this state you will be able to take the best decisions and then actions, and then habits, and then character and destiny.
Forced to be examined by a doctor, the “Iron Lady” in the scene says:
“D’you know, one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas. Now, thoughts and ideas, that interests me. Ask me what I am thinking. (…) Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. My father always said that. And I think I am fine. But I do so appreciate your kind concern.”
I hope that you decide to take this relationship between thoughts and destiny further, but by being here means that you are attracted to anything that can improve your life and the lives of others. Today, more than anything else, the world needs people to pro-act rather than re-act, to want to choose by choice without falling prey to the feeling of the moment, and especially those who are stubborn enough to want to go beyond the obvious. As Roald Dahl said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it”.
“…and in case I don’t see ya…
good afternoon, good evening and good night!“
(The Truman Show)
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