Withholding Information

Even though the clip can be used to launch different examples, I want you to look at Danny De Vito as a leader in a negative version. Withholding information to take advantage of others.

There is a time to fight

Determination and perseverance make a man a successful individual. The truth is that in front of an objective which is of value to us, we are able to find hidden talent and skills.

I won’t lose you

You end up giving value to just one thing when you are losing it. After having lied for too many days, Fletcher realizes that the time has come to be truthful.

Do as you please

Bartleby Gaines has been rejected from all the colleges he has sent admission requests to. To avoid the wrath of this parents he invents SHIT (the South Harmon Institute of Technology), a non-existent college for which he sets up a real internet address.